Signs of Depression

Mentally we are pretty complex beings. Seemingly insignificant events or conversations in our lives can send us spiraling into a dark place, this effects some more than others. Everyone has ups and downs in life, if we were all happy all the time things would lose meaning and others around us would mean less. But, some of us lose the ability to feel joy for periods of time. We become lethargic, irritable, low self-esteem rears up; the physical symptoms are just as bad if not worse than the mental block.

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It’s no exaggeration that depression can have a major impact on your life. Relationships can be ruined and jobs can be lost, just from an inability to find pleasure in the things in their life that once gave them happiness. Imagine waking up one day, and just losing all perspective on why you are doing the things you are doing and attempting, in vain, to recollect your senses. It leads one into a hopeless state which pushes the sufferer even deeper into the depressive state.

As these feelings persist some sufferers begin to have their sleep patterns change. Chronic back and forth between insomnia (inability to sleep) and hypersomnia (oversleep) lend themselves to even more suffering from the hands of depression. The physical and mental exhaustion feels overwhelming, leading to sluggish movements and low concentration on their tasks.

Eating patterns change as well, many sufferers lack the desire to eat at all during particularly bad bouts with depression as the pleasure drive is a big part of our want to eat. Why would one willingly ingest something if it does not make them feel better? Others find themselves overeating in their depressive state. Maybe they find comfort in sweet or savory foods, something that at least semi-bolsters their diminished serotonin levels.

A complete lack of energy is common for the depressed. Even the smallest and easiest chores and tasks seem like an impossible ordeal that is just completely insurmountable at the time. Procrastination is common for a depressed individual because of this, “I’ll do this when I feel better.” At the same time one can feel restless as well, wringing their hands, pacing up and down, and finding it hard to keep still in general.

Anxiety starts to appear as well. Worried about themselves, worried what they are doing to themselves, worried that they will never feel better, worried that there is something else wrong; all these are very common in the mind of a sufferer. How could one not be? There is nothing physically wrong with them, yet your mind disallows you from the joys and productiveness of life.

These are just the physical symptoms, the mental anguish can be just as severe if not worse. First off, there’s the persistent cloud of sadness looming above one’s head. Even if things in life are going wonderfully, something has set your brain off to a world of pain and misery. It changes the way you see things as well, though studies have been done that a depressed patient sees thing more realistically than someone who is feeling optimistic this does not mean that the thoughts one is having are the truth either.landscape-1457956250-womanstressedatdesk

The brain turns against itself during particularly long depressive states, one begins to feel hatred towards themselves. They see themselves as useless and worthless and undeserving of anything they have in life. One can also feel completely helpless or even have periods of unrelenting guilt that seems to appear for no apparent reason. A person in a state like this may even experience moments of crying or at least feeling like it, mostly when there’s no apparent reason for one to feel sadness or grief.

Anger and irritability can come out as well. With sufferers experiencing outburst of anger at the slightest inconveniences. It isn’t uncommon to find oneself yelling at a close friend or relative over the tiniest of issues, for no apparent reason at all. Anger towards oneself is common as well, with some people even resorting to self-harm through taking physical actions towards themselves. In the worst cases some even begin to find themselves un-wanting to live, suicidal thoughts and sometimes even planning can occur. In scenarios where one is getting to this point it is highly important to seek out assistance through whatever means are available.

There are treatments available to chronic sufferers. Doctors may prescribe anti-depressant that help your brain boost its serotonin levels. Therapy or talking things out with a trustworthy friend is also recommended and can make things feel better to know that there are people who care and understand what you are going through. Psilocybin, from the “magic mushroom” of psychedelic fame has been known to seriously help long-term anxiety and depressive treatments as well in a safe dosage while being supervised by an experienced therapist.

There are negative side-effects to quite a few of these treatments. The anti-depressants have been known to cause suicidal thoughts to worsen, and therapy is only as helpful as one wants it to be. Psilocybin is potentially useful, but can be disastrous if used improperly and is also difficult to obtain in many countries. On the other hand, there is Cannabis. Cannabis Seeds has been proven to be highly useful in treating not only the symptoms of depression, but outright helping the mind come to terms with the issues that are being presented. Medical Marijuana is on the rise mainly for this particularly reason, as it began to be notice in cancer patients who were treated hash oils, edibles, and other various forms of Cannabis that they were in much higher spirits despite their situation. It has helped countless other sense, and is even recommended by many doctors, in the countries that allow it, as a great alternative to the somewhat dangerous prescription medications.

Many around the world suffer from depression, do not fret. We all go through it from time to time, but if you find yourself in this state too often maybe it is time to seek treatment.